2020/10/30 17:53
インドネシアのジャカルタ在住のカリグラファー、Veronica Halim ヴェロニカ・ハリムさん。 ヴェロニカさんと出会ったのは4年前。彼女が主催するカリグラフィーのワークショップに参加したことがきっかけでした。 手紙や落ち葉、クッキーの包み紙。 どこにでもある日常の身近な景色にヴェロニカさんが文字を添えると、たちまち西洋絵画のように変化していきました。 まるで魔法のようにスラスラと描かれていく作品にとても感動したことを覚えています。 今でも毎日欠かさずにカリグラフィーの練習をするよ、と教えてくれたヴェロニカさん。 彼女が生み出す ”美しさ” のヒントは日々の暮らしの中にありました。 やさしい言葉ひとつひとつが物語のようなインタビューです。

Veronica Halim(ヴェロニカ・ハリム)
01 / 自然に耳を傾ける
Please tell me how you met Calligraphy.
It was one quiet night at home, 7 years ago, I was looking for something to do to take my mind away from my usual activity. I always have a deep interest in the art of handwritten letter, the beauty and romance of it, and I still remember it was near Christmas time! I thought it might be something perfect to dig more into the calligraphy world so that I can write beautifully just in time for end of the year letter and card writing. I never stop writing ever since then.
Where do you get inspiration for your fabulous works?
Inspiration for me came from everywhere. Especially through people I’ve met and the story they share, space, objects and through observation in nature. Inspiration doesn’t always come in a visual form, it can be also from a non-visual form such as senses, the sound, the smell, taste, feeling and emotion/experience.

02 / 美は細部に宿る
Do you incorporate fragrance into your daily life?
Yes, of course! I always have a deep interest in the world of fragrance and scent especially the chemistry behind it. I always light a candle or incense in the morning before I start my day to help set the mood, also throughout the day when I work and need some concentration.
Is there anything that you make a habit of spending a comfortable time at home?
3 things I need in my home to make me super comfortable in any kind of situation:
Favorite music playlist playing in the background, I have playlist for cooking time, for rainy times, playlist when I need my concentration, playlist before bed, etc.
Stock up on tea and good coffee, I can’t live without them at home especially during my afternoon tea time or coffee break. Light my scented candle / scent my room with my favorite room spray.

03 / 蛍のちいさな光
Who is your someone special?
As simple as that. Someone special beside my family, are people who I met and encounter in this lifetime who became a part of my life story. I often imagine the wonderful encounter in life like a little floating light of firefly in a field. By chance and by fate that makes it so special and precious.
The sweetest memory for me always been the time during celebrations gathering, where all the family and closest friends gather in a room, sharing the simplest joy in life, good food, food companion with full of laughers and warmth.

For those who knows me well, I always love the smell of the rain and something more on the woody note. I will definitely choose Juniper!

Hello everyone! I hope during this strange and difficult period of time, you will always stay healthy, happy and keep yourself busy by doing things you love even at home! So many workshops, events and book launching plan in Japan have to be put on hold this year but I hope everything will resume slowly to normal next year and looking forward to meet all of you again soon! In the meantime, let’s keep our positive and creative mind going strong!